We will be happy to provide the premises of our restaurants for your private or corporate event.

Recently, Indian catering has been a very interesting addition to various events, such as openings, concerts, premieres, corporate, corporate and private parties, balls, conferences, seminars or company presentations, including coffee breaks. We successfully provide catering for hotels as well, such as breakfast, lunch, dinner, finger food and others.

Why us?


A family business with a long tradition


Reliable suppliers and fresh ingredients


Individual approach of trained staff 


If you are interested or have any other questions regarding our above described event offer, please do not hesitate to contact us. Please fill out the form and we will contact you as soon as possible!


Keramická 3,
Bubeneč 170 00, Praha 7

Phone number

+420 233 312 052


Opening hours

Mon-Fri | 11:00-22:00
Sat-Sun | 11:30-22:00
O Svátcích | 11:30-22:00

Red Rose s.r.o.
IČO: 07154178
DIČ: CZ07154178
Sídlo: Rybná 716/24, Staré Město, 110 00 Praha
Copyright © 2025 Masala | Crafted by Visilab

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